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Date: 21 June 2024

Author: Eleanor Collins

Hundreds of people have made heartfelt dedications in memory of loved ones at a community event we supported.

‘Tie a Yellow Ribbon’ is the annual, free-to-attend memorial afternoon of Dorset-based Forest Holme Hospice Care, one of MSP Capitals core charities in 2024.

Those who have lost loved ones are invited to write dedications and tie yellow ribbons which, after the event, are then displayed in the hospice grounds for the rest of the summer.

The palliative care charity, which marks its 30th anniversary this year, invites families and contacts from across its heartlands of Poole, Wimborne and the Isle of Purbeck to attend.

The MSP Community Committee partnered on the “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” event through sponsorship and by inviting team members to volunteer on the day.

Our input is part of our environmental, social and governance strategy, “Foundations for Better Futures“, which has a strong community-giving element run by our dedicated staff committee.

Lee Merrifield, our Associate Director of Credit and a committee member, said: “For the past 30 years, Forest Holme has delivered amazing support for people living with life-limiting illnesses and their families.

“We want to do all we can to help them continue their work to make some of the worst times in people’s lives that little bit better.”

Colleague and fellow committee member Eleanor Collins said: “It was an honour and a privilege to go along on the day to set up and volunteer, so contributing to such an important memorial occasion for people making dedications in memory of those they have lost.”

As well as a picnic and opportunity to write dedications and tie ribbons, the event had craft stalls, choir performances and crafts activities for children.

The Tie a Yellow Ribbon event is really special because it is open to everyone, not just those who have lost a loved one at Forest Holme.”

Kirsty Perks, the charity’s Corporate and Community Fundraiser, said: “We are so grateful to MSP Capital for sponsoring Tie A Yellow Ribbon, one of the most important dates in the hospice calendar.

“Their support has helped us take this special annual event out to the local community and give everyone the opportunity to remember their loved ones and make a dedication in their memory.

“It was also so lovely to have members of the MSP Capital team come and join us on the day and volunteer their time, helping make the event such a huge success.”

For more information on Forest Holme Hospice and Tie a Yellow Ribbon, visit Tie A Yellow Ribbon | Forest Holme Hospice.

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