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Date: 4 July 2024

Author: Eleanor Collins

Elliot Phelps, Software Development Manager at MSP Capital, shares his journey and insights into his career in software development.

Elliot’s expertise in software development strategy and dedication has significantly contributed to MSP Capital’s technological advancements.

Early Career

Elliot first began working with MSP Capital in January 2017 as an apprentice with the company’s previous IT provider. This apprenticeship focused on progressing the internal system, a key software platform for MSP, Elliot recalls “MSP had seen the potential in the system”. The commitment to technological innovation, paired with Elliot’s dedication, led to a full-time position at MSP Capital by October 2017.

The Journey at MSP Capital

Initially starting as a Junior Software Developer, he quickly picked up new skills to benefit the business. By January 2021, Jonathan joined the team which marked a significant step in the software development department’s growth journey. “That was the biggest step in the software development department’s journey, being from one person to more than one person,” Elliot reflects.

Elliot’s role naturally progressed to Software Development Manager in January 2022. His role is multilayered, encompassing both IT maintenance and software strategy, responsibilities involve understanding the objectives of different departments and designing software enhancements accordingly. “The primary focus of my role is more on the software development side of things, helping push MSP forward on the technology side,” he explains.

Elliot attributes his strength within the team to his comprehensive knowledge of MSP Capital and its departments’ functions.

“Everyone in the team is very talented. We all have our own specialities and I think that we work really well together.” he says.


His understanding of the business and our clients ensures that the team focuses on business-critical projects, maintaining flexibility to adapt as needed.

More than just software

Beyond his professional responsibilities, Elliot actively participates in MSP Capital’s initiatives. As a member of the Wellbeing committee, he values the company’s social events and the sense of community they bring.” Wellbeing committee initiatives are a lovely opportunity to show the business’s appreciation through small and frequent gestures” He appreciates the trust and freedom provided by the business to help colleagues in non-work-related matters, including the onsite gym and employee mental health initiatives.

Elliot finds motivation in the diversity of his work. “The nature of a software development role involves continuous change and software improvements; therefore, every day is different.” he says.

Beyond MSP Capital

Outside of work, Elliot has a range of interests that keep him active and engaged. He has been training kickboxing for over a decade and finds it a great way to stay disciplined and keep active. “It was a very nice way for me to keep active and stay healthy “he notes. Elliot also enjoys running and recently completed a half marathon, with aspirations to run a full marathon in the future.

His most memorable trips are to places like San Francisco and New York. “San Francisco was probably my favourite,” he recalls, “San Francisco is a beautiful city and allowed me the chance to experience the Yosemite national park and its magnitude”, appreciating the sense the opportunity to explore new places.

Elliot’s journey at MSP Capital is marked by growth, innovation, and a strong sense of community. As many of his colleagues at MSP Capital, his expertise in his department and his commitment to the company’s success make him a valuable asset to Team MSP.

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