Paul Miracca, Director at MSP Capital, said: “We understood the need to act quickly, so we worked late into the night to ensure the deal happened on time for the client. They came to us knowing of our reputation for going above and beyond and using our property expertise to act decisively on loan requests.
“I’m truly proud of how Team MSP worked together so tirelessly to get this over the line so the client wouldn’t miss out on such a great opportunity. It proved the worth of having such strong relationships with our legal and valuation partners who we have worked with over many years. This helped to make sure all the necessary client checks were done fully.
“We know that timing is everything in the bridging market and what enables us to act so quickly is that we’re not like a high-street bank which may be held back by red tape or bureaucratic processes.
“Even though we did exactly the same level of pre-lend checks, we have the advantage of agility and a team that can make, and act on, decisions super-efficiently.”